How to Defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark

This article is about How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark. The Lost Ark Tytalos supervisor comes as a component of the game’s Guardian Raids, which are end-game occasions that gatherings of players can partake in. A large number of Lost Ark’s Guardian Raid supervisors are a move forward from the world managers and story managers, yet Tytalos goes a bit further. Also, numerous players are reporting that the battle is presently broken in How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark, and Smilegate are suggesting players stay away from the assault until further notice. To know how to dominate the Lost Ark Tytalos battle and abstain from dying, read on.

How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark

How to Defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark

As is standard with all Guardian Raids, players should arrive at level 50 preceding attempting the battle against Tytalos. This regularly shouldn’t present too a very remarkable issue to would-be bandits, as Guardian Raids are not opened as a movement until players arrive at the continent of Vern, which happens somewhat later in the normal playthrough in How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark. While not too high a bar to reach, progressing to even out 50 serves to the player’s advantage, allowing them to expand the harm result and utility of their range of abilities.

Significantly better than the four level one Guardians, Tytalos represents a considerably more troublesome test than Ur’nil, Lumerus, Icy Legoros, and Vertus. In request to ensure that potential bandits are equipped for this more prominent test, players should initially defeat the level one Guardians something like once each.

Understanding The Tytalos Mechanics

These stack a debuff on you at whatever point you stroll into them. This stacks up to multiple times, decreasing your development speed.
On the third stack, you become invulnerable (froze, frozen completely still) for a brief period. When you hit three stacks, you can’t get the debuff for an additional 30 seconds.
You really want to time it with the goal that you stroll into the whirlwinds when Tytalos begins its AoE assault. You can see it is going to begin the AoE assault in light of the fact that the ground under the Guardian begins to become red/Tytalos hunkers low to the ground.

Other Tytalos Mechanics

While the Tytalos wipe repairman is certainly an issue for most players, the remainder of the Tytalos mechanics are not excessively terrible. Like most managers in Lost Ark, there are an assortment of cones, swipes, charges, and different things to focus on that will bring down your HP in How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark. Here are the other’s abilities you want to look out for.

Tytalos Tornado Mechanic

The Tornado is one of Tytalos’ most significant mechanics. While battling this Guardian during the assaults, you will see that he conveys tornadoes that appear to encompass him. Assuming you get into contact with these tornadoes, you will find yourself getting managed colossal harm.

Simultaneously, rather strikingly, these tornadoes likewise offer you the potential chance to gain admittance to a debuff. Applying this debuff up to multiple times can assist you with becoming invulnerable. This implies you will transform into stone and become totally stationary in How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark. When you transform into stone, you will not have the option to change again for the following 30 seconds. This will assist you with resisting Tytalos’ tornado specialist.

How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark


Dissimilar to the Lost Ark world supervisors, Tytalos doesn’t generate in a set spot, however must be battled during a particular Guardian Raid. These are occasions that you can play with companions or with matchmade accomplices, by accessing them in any significant city.

The Tytalos Guardian Raid is the last manager of the level two strikes, and expects players to be prepared thing level 580 preceding participating in How to defeat Tytalos in Lost Ark. Also, you need to finish each level one manager first, which includes Ur’nil, Lumerus, Icy Legoros, and Vertus. Whenever you’ve arrived at these rules, go ahead and endeavor the battle.