How To Get And Use Tier 3 Spirit Box In Phasmophobia

How To Get And Use Tier 3 Spirit Box In Phasmophobia – Ultimate Guide

The Tier 3 Spirit Box is the most elevated tier of the Spirit Box, a piece of gear that can be used to communicate with phantoms. It has a higher chance of getting a reaction from the phantom than the Tier 1 or Tier 2 Spirit Boxes, and it also has a larger range.

How To Get And Use Tier 3 Spirit Box In Phasmophobia

How to Get a Tier 3 Spirit Box

To get a Tier 3 Spirit Box, you really want to burn through 15000 in-game cash. You can earn this cash by finishing contracts or by tracking down secret things in the game.

How to Use a Tier 3 Spirit Box

To use a Tier 3 Spirit Box, essentially turn it on and ask the phantom an inquiry. The apparition will answer by saying “Yes”, “No”, “Maybe”, or “Farewell”. The phantom may also answer with an alternate word or phrase.

Pros and Cons of Using a Tier 3 Spirit Box

The pros of using a Tier 3 Spirit Box are that it has a higher chance of getting a reaction from the phantom and it also has a larger range. This makes it a more reliable tool for communicating with phantoms.

The cons of using a Tier 3 Spirit Box are that it is more costly than the Tier 1 or Tier 2 Spirit Boxes. It also requires more power, so you may have to welcome more batteries with you on a chase.

Alternatives to the Tier 3 Spirit Box

There are a couple of alternatives to the Tier 3 Spirit Box, for example, the Ouija Board and the Spirit Box. The Ouija Board is an all the more integral asset, yet it is also more dangerous to use. The Spirit Box is less strong than the Tier 3 Spirit Box, however it is also more affordable and requires less power.

How To Get And Use Tier 3 Spirit Box In Phasmophobia


The Tier 3 Spirit Box is a valuable tool for communicating with phantoms in Phasmophobia. It is the most reliable of the Spirit Boxes, however it is also the most costly and requires the most power. On the off chance that you are searching for a reliable way to communicate with phantoms, the Tier 3 Spirit Box is a decent choice.