With NFTs AXTG Partner with Save Planet Earth to digitize and plant 100 million trees

Los Angeles, CA, Aug. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – – Axis Technologies Group Inc. (OTC PINK: AXTG), a computerized resource holding bunch with Save Planet Earth (SPE), today declared a five-year organization to empower and speed up its long term advanced carbon offset change technique through the obligation to establish 100 million trees program by digitizing the actual resources into computerized resources like NFT.

“The Carbon Credit and carbon offset shifts around purchaser monetary necessities and ways of behaving, alongside the assumption for steady client commitment across channels, force remarkable requests for innovation and speed of execution which presently incorporates carbon marking,” said AXTG William Tien, CEO.

Imran Ali the pioneer behind Save Planet Earth expresses “Moving to the digitization of carbon credits is one more key part to our actual tree establishing change.”

Through this association, AXTG will utilize CARBONIS and TIENCHAT to zero in on the accompanying key goals:

AXTG focuses on a 100 million trees project for the following 3 years with SPE for execution of ESG items and administrations in CARBONIS, another computerized carbon credit and carbon offset project commercial center. This creates 100 million tons of carbon credits at least US$10 a lot of carbon credit.

AXTG digitized trees establishing anyplace on the planet into NFT for making another class of ISO 14064 decentralized monetary carbon resources that gives another environmental change feasible devices and takes out neediness.

Sending these new powerful tree establishing methods in catching multi-facets tree establishing financial aspects to the last mile with AXTG’s TIENCHAT application. This new tree establishing strategy will likewise be tested in California and soon to partake and uphold the most recent US environmental change drives reported as of late to give a clean feasible future to the US.

Gives another decentralized computerized carbon credit standard on the blockchain that is local area driven and for the local area.

AXTG’s new TIEN DAO will be delivered finish of 2023 as a feature of this entire environment that gives an across the board, one in all entrance.

Hub Technologies Group, Inc.:

Hub Technologies Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: AXTG) is a public holding organization zeroed in on the advancement, improvement, the board and showcasing of different parts of organizations encompassing all parts of decentralized finance (DeFi). Through acquisitions, vital ventures, and its ongoing speculation possessions, AXTG tries to help, create and make the most of different fintech, blockchain, DeFi, NFT, carbon offset digitization and metaverse activities, open doors and drives.


CARBONIS, a blockchain arrangement being created by TiENWORLD LLC which is 100 percent possessed by AXTG is worked to give a digitized carbon offset and carbon credit commercial center that make it simpler to follow, confirm and oversee feasible and ESG consistence business and venture information. We want to lay out evidence of carbon utilizing information approved by confided in outsiders.

CARBONIS is being planned by cooperating with SPE, the Planetary Carbon Standard (PCS) and TiENCHAT group of computerized banking, DeFi and blockchain specialists to empower proficiency in business that drives manageability.

About Planetary Carbon Standard (PCS):

The PCS module of Planetary Carbon Sequestration Standard (PCSS) basically covers the Afforestation and Reforestation area related necessities true to form clients incorporate substances, e.g., individual landowners, modern ranger service organizations and directors of service organization lands, a keen on inside a country carrying out ranger service exercises and ventures intended to create decreases in air carbon dioxide (CO2) that could be exchanged as an offset on-chain.


SPE token offers straightforward, reasonable, and successful instruments to improve carbon sequestration and organization viable emanation control frameworks. These ventures will help battle against Global Warming, work to accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals and help with keeping environmental change at reasonable levels. SPE will be running drives overall to deflect an Earth-wide temperature boost, extending carbon sequestration endeavors, and helping the worldwide reception of $SPE.

Kindly visit us at www.saveplanetearth.io for more data.

Safe Harbor Statement

This official statement might incorporate forward-glimpsing articulations inside the importance of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including explanations connected with expected incomes, costs, profit, working incomes, the viewpoint for business sectors, and the interest for items. Forward-looking proclamations are no certifications of future execution and are innately dependent upon vulnerabilities and different variables which could make genuine outcomes contrast really from the forward-looking explanations. Such articulations depend on, in addition to other things, presumptions made by, and data right now accessible to, the executives, including the board’s own insight and evaluation of the Company’s business and contest. The Company expects no obligation to refresh its forward-looking articulations.

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