find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring

Where to Find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring

The Uchigatana is a katana you can find in Elden Ring. You can find it in the open world, at a particular area, yet you’ll have to make a special effort to add it to your munititions stockpile. In this aide, we cover where you really want to go to find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring and what prison you want to investigate.

The Uchigatana is a staple of Soulsborne games. First appearing in Demon’s Souls, the Uchigatana is a fan top pick and the decision weapon for some players of the series. With its intense drain harm and wide swing circular segment, it’s a strong and compelling weapon in the right hands, which is the reason we will let you know how to find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring.

The Uchigatana’s Default Weapon Skill is Unsheathe: Skill of fighters from the Land of Reeds. dark souls 3 uchigatana build Sheathe cutting edge, holding it at the hip in a made position. Circle back to an ordinary or solid assault to play out a quick cut assault.

find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring

Where to Find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring

The Uchigatana will be in the Deathtocuehd Catacombs. You can find this area to the north of Limgrave and Double Clutch in GTA 5 the Warmaster’s Shack northeast. You can find this region by going to the east of the Stormhill Shack, not long before you advance toward the Stormveil Castle.

Once inside the Deathtouched Catacombs, continue through the passages and go to one side. You’ll find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring experience numerous skeletons en route. Eliminate them, bounce to the cold earth floor and pivot. There will be an entryway you can access on the left side.

Continue through the foyer and go to one side again. There will be a small bunch of skeleton toxophilite waiting for you. After you battle them, the dead body hanging over the side will have the Uchigatana. You’ll have the option to utilize it any time and redesign it all through your Elden Ring experience.

Assuming that you need this savage katana from the leap, fortune has smiled on you since you can find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring. The Uchigatana can be seen as in the Northern stretch of Limgrave between the Saintsbridge and the Warmaster’s Shack.

Get Uchigatana Demon’s Souls

For the exact area, see the above map screen capture, however the thing you’re looking for is the Deathtouched Catacombs. The Deathtouched Catacombs are one of the numerous discretionary prisons you can find all through Elden Ring and, thusly, they accompany a little arrangement of assignments to finish as well as a discretionary supervisor to battle.

Fortunately, you don’t need to battle the manager to get the Uchigatana in Elden Ring. You should find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring simply search for the secret ways between the sculptures and likenesses of the tombs. Make certain to shift your camera around as you investigate on the grounds that that is your way to this weapon.

find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring

Uchigatana Location Elden Ring

It’s likewise your way to progress to finish this prison. Where the Uchigatana can be found is likewise where the annoying skeletal bowmen are sniping down at you so getting up there is only a net advantage in each manner to finishing the Deathtouched Catacombs.

Whenever you’ve slain those skeletons, the Uchigatana is all yours and, since find the Uchigatana in Elden Ring weapons don’t corrupt in Elden Ring, you will not need to stress over it breaking from use. So slice, swing, and attract blood however much you might want with this boss cutting edge.